December 30, 2014

Wishing you all a Happy, Healthy, and Joyful New Year!!!!

habitsWow, I cannot believe that I am about to say this, but I don’t think my body could take much more of the holiday season. I am looking forward to restarting my regular routine ASAP. As much as we try to maintain our healthy habits, the month(s) of excess food and drink, combined with more evenings out, more things to get done leaving less time for exercise, etc. really wrecks havoc on our bodies. This goose is cooked! As Dave Matthews would say, “eat too much, drink too much, TOO MUCH!”

I know I have blogged about this in the past, but you really cannot burn off a bad diet! If you are exercising to burn off excess calories you consumed the night before, then it’s time to evaluate your current eating and exercise program. Remember, it’s the quality of what you put in your body that counts. A bad diet has a profound effect on our bodies at the cellular level. Your diet is what is replenishing your energy stores, it is rebuilding your cells, it is healing your body from the inside out, feeding your brain, or it could be doing the exact opposite – it could be inflaming your tissues and your brain.

Think of exercise as a way to support your tissues, provide mechanical stress to your bones, make you stronger, improve your flexibility, increase your endurance, make your more agile, a way to keep your brain healthy, etc. Exercise should be fun sometimes and challenging sometimes, it should include more intense days and restful days. But don’t exercise to burn off excess calories, if that is what you are doing then take the opportunity to look at your diet and make a few small changes that can make a big difference. Think of a 5% change each week or two.

Remember to train smart! You don’t need to exercise for hours on end to be fit and get results. Most of the good trainers I know are far too busy with clients to be able to exercise too much, so they fit in short bouts of intense exercise when they can. As you start to think about the New Year and your goals for 2015, think about aligning your exercise program with your lifestyle and goals. if it fits with both, then you are far more likely to stick with it and being consistent over time is what leads to a change.

Here’s what is happening at Perfectly Fit in the New Year!!! I will be leading another Whole30 challenge starting January 5th. Please let me know if you would like to join as I plan to set up a Facebook page for support. If you are not familiar with the Whole30, it is a 30 day elimination of all inflammatory foods based on Paleo principles – I will be leading another group of teens who want to train for a 5K and possibly a 10K in the Spring. I will be continuing to teach the small group training and TRX classes that you love! I have a few more exciting things in the pipeline, so stay tuned!!

There are NO PERFECTLY FIT CLASSES this week – all classes resume on January 5th.

Wishing you all a Happy, Healthy, and Joyful New Year!!!!

