December 17, 2014

Week 2 – Resistance Workout

MjAxMy00YTdkODliMmM3ZjRhMWJi (1)The holidays are officially here and I sure hope that more than your stretchy pants are getting a workout!! Let me know if you tried the workout I sent last week. I have already heard from a few of you – WOOT WOOT!!!
Don’t forget to review your holiday tips for staying fit and fabulous while having a fabulous holiday from last week. For your resistance workout this week, you will need a mat and a set of dumbbells between 5-15 pounds each. I have also included a link to the videos I made for you. Enjoy!

Week 2 – Resistance Workout

After a quick warmup of 10 squats, 10 forward lunges, 10 side lunges, and 10 down dog and walkout to plank – do the following set in order, rest for 2 minutes and then repeat 3-4 times (do 4-5 sets total).


Each exercise will be performed for 45 seconds – so set your timer on your phone and get moving!
As always, make sure and initiate all movement from the hips, keep your spine neutral (straight), and reach with your scapula (shoulder blades). Exercise should be challenging but not painful when performed. If you feel any pain, please make a modification.


1. Mountain climbers
2.  Deadlift with alternating foot patterns
3.  Left side lunge with right arm hook – stand and perform a left arm lateral OH (overhead) press
4.  Right side lunge with left arm hook – stand and perform a right arm lateral OH (overhead) press
5.  Plank with row and side plank press – alternating arms
6.  Roll back to standing or reverse burpees
Here is the link to the videos: