December 30, 2012

Happy New Year to you all!!!

Happy New Year to you all!!!  There are no Perfectly Fit group classes this week.  Classes will resume next Monday, January 7th. 
It’s time to start thinking about your New Year’s resolutions.  Maybe they will include knocking a few things off your “bucket list”, improving your overall fitness, running your first 1/2 or full marathon, participating in your first mud challenge, making a few key healthy changes to your diet, meditating 5 minutes a day…so many to choose from!   Pick one or two things that are challenging but attainable.  Make a plan and reward yourself for sticking with the plan (avoid food rewards).  Tell your friends so you have more accountability.  Those are just a few suggestions.
If you are looking to make a few key changes to your overall health, here are a few suggestions:
1.  Eat green leafy vegetables (such as kale and spinach) everyday – green smoothies are a great way to add greens to your diet.
2.  Add pumpkin seeds to your diet – they are a great addition to top off soups, salads, and oatmeal.
3.  If you have trouble managing your blood sugar, try adding 2 Tbsp. of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and drink it before a high carb meal.
4.  Try to get between 6-8 hours of sleep every night.
5.  To manage stress, breath in through your nose to the count of 4, hold for 2 seconds and then exhale through your mouth and repeat.  High cortisol (stress hormone) levels increase cravings for sweets and carbs, contribute to abdominal fat storage, and contribute to depression (which can cause overeating).
Here’s to a healthy start to your New Year!!!  I look forward to seeing you all back in class in 2013!!!